Nice to meet you!


Thank you for taking the time to learn about me

I am a passionate educator, researcher, and critical social psychologist driven by a commitment to collective liberation. Born in a country that persecuted my ethnic community, while raised as a refugee in the United States from the age of 10, I witnessed the impact of silencing and dehumanization on communities. At the same time, I witness the transformative potential of joyful resistance. Through participatory action research, I collaborate with diverse populations to refuse dominant narratives and dream up ethical futures. As a researcher, facilitator, and educator, I engage in liberatory work that traces connections between personal stories and global dynamics. My roles as an academic, educator, and researcher are rooted in the belief that through solidarity and a centering of those most impacted we can move toward a more just world.

When I am not reveling in the joy of teaching at John Jay College at the City University of New York, or when I am not collaborating with communities on a participatory action research project, I can be found gathering healing plants for my herbalist practice, enjoying a deliriously beautiful and slowly meandering run around the streets of New York City and cuddling with Orchid, the part lab and part angel who is very much responsible for my wellbeing.

I will be thrilled to hear from you anytime.